Saturday, January 31, 2015

A light switch throws us for a loop

Marcus learned how to the turn the light switch on in his room tonight.  This is one of those lesser-known-about firsts—the kind that people don't brag about but that still have a drastic impact on your life.

Marcus goes to bed at 8:00 pm – normally at the latest.  Most days he happily plays in his room until he falls asleep – think that those peaceful days are behind us.

Tonight, after we turned the light off, we walked by a few moments later and I noticed it was back on... not a huge deal – I stopped in the room and flipped it off again.

About 30 minutes later he was still jabbering away – this time Luke turned the light off...

Now we figured it out... he was turning it back on.

We tried this a few more times, and eventually it was 10 pm, and he was still wide awake and turning the light back on.

Finally, I went into his bedroom and laid down with him – well, he was on the toddler bed, and I was on the floor next to him (makes me think that I really need to finish the bunk beds).  We stayed there until he finally fell asleep – and despite the fact that it was late—and we were both tired—it was precious time.

I would say, "I love you Marcus."

He would say, "Luv u."

I asked him if I should stay until he feel asleep and he clearly said,


We talked like this for 20 minutes, I softly petted his head and face, and finally my sweet little guy passed out.

It was precious time, full of love, and I am glad that it was on a night where I wasn't worried about the morning and getting him up.  I was able to be present, and I was so in love with that little boy and his super-cute face.

Not all of parenting is sweet, but the moments where the love is so immense are amazing, and I was blessed to have one of those tonight...

Tomorrow, we are fixing the light so he can't turn it back on!

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