Friday, January 2, 2015

State Park Short List

Minnesota State Park Short List

I think everyone knows that to meet our goal of hitting every state park in such a short time we really did not have the time to really play in them.  We have created a "short" list of parks that we want to go back and explore because we did not get to see a lot or the best of them.  I would love to camp at all of these parks in the future to give us enough time to explore and enjoy them.  I have to say that these are not all of the prettiest or most common parks- they are parks that we want to revisit because they offer so much more than we actually saw.  Here you go (listed in the order we saw them because that is how my memory works best)- you should let us know if you visit any of them.

1. Glacial Lakes State Park

Starbuck, MN 

This was the first state park that blew me away. They sky in this part of the state is huge and the park provided a back drop of rolling prairie.  There was a lot of hikes to take across the prairie and a lake (we never got close enough to check it out).  This park also had a lot of activities for horse back riders (not us) but they are fun to see.  I would like to see this park when the prairie is in full bloom.

Check it out:
DNR Website:
Our visit:

2. Lac qui Parle State Park

Watson, MN 

 One of the coolest thing about Lac Qui Parle State Park is the birds, if you go during migration (which we didn't).  The lake is named for the "water that speaks" and during migrations 1000's of geese and waterfowl will stop over during their travels.

The park also boasts the largest cottonwood tree in the state.  Getting to the tree is really interesting but totally worth it.  We actually had to call for directions because we could not find the (very small) sign that showed where the tree is at.

This was another park that we hit really early in the spring and didn't see any color.  I would love to see this full leaves and birds (but I already said that).

Check it out:
DNR Website:
Our visit:

3. Cuyuna Country SRA

Ironton, MN

If If you have followed this blog you know that I like mines and the remnants of them.  This is actually a sprawling parks - made up of an office in town and many old open pit mines that have since become lakes (included the deepest man-made lake in the state).

There is a lot of activity at this part to with an extensive system of mountain bike trails.  I would like to go back and check out some of these lakes and the cute little town (Ironton) right by them.

Check it out:
DNR Website:
Our visit:

4. Jay Cooke State Park 

-Carlton, MN-

 Jay Cooke is one of the most impressive state parks out there.  It has great hiking, some crazy fun kayaking,  This is a huge park and I really feel like you need to stay and entire week-end to see it all.  I have heard from others (including my SIL Jess) that this is their favorite park.

I would really like to camp at this park.  They actually have a ton of cool cabins to stay at.

Finally, it is really close to Duluth so when you stay at this park you can take a quick run into a really fun town and have a yummy beer or two.

Check it out: 
DNR Website:
Our visit:

5. Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park – "Hey, Minnesotans love caves!"

Preston, MN

OK I know it is another cave and that is part of the reason we are adding this to the shortlist but not the only reason.   On our cruise through this park we did not get a chance to take the cave tour.  As interesting as it is this is actually the only natural cave you can tour as part of the Minnesota Parks system.   We want to go back and do the cave tour (we have done it before ) .

Another really neat thing that exists at this state park is "Forestville"- this is a old village that has been maintained and it is run by the Minnesota historical society.  They give tours and their are lots of people walking around in old time clothes-  this type of thing is completely up my alley!

Finally, this park had a lot of trails and I would like to check out a few more of them.  To do this park right we need to stay overnight so we can actually see all of the really cool things it has to offer.

Check it out: 
DNR Website:
Our visit:

6. Maplewood State Park- Lots to explore-  Would take a day trip to Glendalough

Pelican Rapids, MN

This park has 8 parks and a ton of trail to check out.  It is also really close to several other parks including (Glendalough) so you can stay here as base camp and check out a few other parks.  I really want to do a ton more hiking and see more of this park.  We just ran in and out so we really didn't get to see any of it.

Check it out: 
DNR Website:
Our visit:

7. Lake Shetek State Park-

Currie, MN

Moving to a different part of the state Lake Shetek State Park is a great place to visit.  This park is sourrounded by lakes and it is also a historical markers.  This is a place of great historical meaning in Minnesota as it is one of the places where the US- Dakota Conflict occurred.  There is a lot of history here to see.
The camping sites were set up right next to the lake and it looked like an awesome place to camp.  When we go back I think that we will plan on staying in the park.  Also it has a huge island that I want to explore.

Check it out: 
DNR Website:
Our visit:

8. Judge CR Magney State park

Grand Marais, MN

This park is an oddity to me-  With all of the times I have been to the north shore we have never actually visited this park before.   On the road, it is easy to drive right by if you don't know the park is there.

We did the hike and got the geocache in but we did not get a chance to see the crown jewel of this park.  That is a pothole named the Devil's Kettle that envelopes half of the Brule river-  I really want to see that.  The hike to the Devil's Kettle is also supposed to be really pretty.
Devil's Kettle waterfall
Picture of the Devil's Kettle from the MN DNR website.

Check it out: 
DNR Website:
Our visit:

9. Zippel Bay State Park

Williams, MN

I want to visit Zippel Bay in the summer.  This lake was beautiful and really serene.  When we visited it was empty with no people around.  The drive is long so it is best for a long week-end.

Also when we go back we will be visiting Garden Island......


Check it out: 
DNR Website:
Our visit:

10. Bear Head State Park

Ely, MN

Another up north park to visit.  I consider visiting Bear Head State Park just like visiting the BWCA- only not as remote and easier to get to.  I think this would be a great place to take camping trip to see if a family is really ready to visit the BWCA.  Lots of places to camp and awesome cabins too!
Check it out: 
DNR Website:
Our visit:

11. Savanna Portage State Park

McGregor, MN

The main reason that I want to go back to Savanna Portage is to explore a lot more of this huge park.  I also have one very specific hike that I want to take-  The actual savanna portage trail that traverses the continental divide that separates the watersheds heading south (Mississippi River) and North (everything headed to Hudson Bay in Canada).

Check it out: 
DNR Website:
Our visit:
One last thought-  If you look at the MN DNR website for each of these parks you will see that there are a TON of activities that are going on at parks all the time-  some examples- bird watching, rock climbing, tree identification, and even geocaching.   Before you head out to one of these awesome parks check out the schedule and see what is going on. Check out one of the events that the DNR has planned!

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