My little boy does not always behave the best. One of the problems we have is that sometimes he says the meanest things---- I don't know where they come from. We don't say things like that in our house, and we don't let him watch a lot of TV so it is not coming from there.
Anyway, this problem has been going on for a while and we have talked to him about it and even done a few time outs. The good news has been that he has only done this at home, well and once with Grandma Cheryl. Well that all changed earlier this week. Yesterday when I walked into daycare I was greeted with this note.....
His mean talk made it to daycare. I was pretty horrified. We talked about it on the way home. How we don't say mean things and that if it happened again he would start losing privileges if he continued to act like this. I have a really hard time discussing things like privileges and consequences with a 3 year old but I know that is the only way he will learn. He promised me he will be good tomorrow and only say good things to his school friends!
After dealing with that next on our agenda was going to swimming lessons. Marcus was excited (he missed last week because he was sick) but when we got there he didn't really want to play along with the teach. Eck.... what a day. We ended up leaving the class a few minutes early and going home. Normally if he does good we will stay and play as a reward for being good during swimming lessons- No such luck this week.
Yikes- this was a long day. We my little guy wasn't so sweet. I know that I have harder parenting challenges coming but this is so frustrating. I want him to grow up to be a good person. I know he is never going to be perfect but I want him to be empathic and say nice and good things. These are things I really value and it makes me sad when he does the opposite. I think this is just a phase, part of being a threenager, pushing boundaries to see what sticks, as least I hope it is.
When we got home Marcus was my sweet and cuddly little boy again. He told me he will be good again tomorrow and the good news is that he was. I picked him up from daycare today and he was a good kid all day!
Here are some pics of my sweet boy dreaming last night!
I wasn't going to share this story today but Luke said I should. This blog is about the adventures we have, and not just the fun ones! I love Marcus to pieces and I wouldn't want to change him but sometimes I wish he would take it a bit easier on Mommy and Daddy!
HAA, what goes around comes around.