Marcus is a lucky little boy in a lot of ways. One of the ways he is lucky is that he has lots of cousins to grow up around. There are two that are closer than the rest- Sophie and Beckett are both within 4 months of Marcus in age and when they get together it is a fun and crazy time.
On Saturday we had one of those rare opportunities. Sophie spent Friday night at my parents house and Saturday morning they picked up Beckett and Tori (Tori actually wanted to come and hang out with the 3 year olds) and we all headed to the Minnesota Zoo for the last weekend of the beach party (and giant sand box).
Marcus was so excited about the chance to see his cousins. We talked about it all of Friday and he was psyched. They are funny little kids when they are together because they are all so different. I do think they already know they have a special bond forming.
Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day (I didn't actually take that many).
Even Tori climbed in the sand and played..... it is really nice and soft sand.
The played in the sand box for about 30 minutes and than we checked out the rest of the zoo. Beckett and Grandpa Harvey went and explored leaving the other two kiddos behind.
At the end of the day it was a success and everyone had a fun time and full stomach (thanks to the great lunch packed by grandpa). I hope that as Marcus grows up he keeps this amazing bond with Beckett and Sophie- most kids are not lucky enough to so close in age to a cousin.
I was looking forward to this all week, even passed up a chance to go the High School Hockey tournament. It turned out wonderful. Beckett fell asleep before we were out of the parking lot. Sophie was so excited she talked all the way home.