Friday, April 10, 2015

A sweet Memory

This week-end we are lucky enough to have my Sister-in-Law (Jess), her husband (Noah), and their sweet new baby (Liam) in town visiting.  They are staying with Luke's Grandma but we had a chance to visit with them tonight and tomorrow they will be coming over again.

For some reason this made me think of being small and visiting my Grandma and Grandpa Johnson. My grandparents lived a 4-5 hour car away so it was always a treat to visit them.   This is a not long memory but still a special one, one that reminds me how much they loved us.

I remember that it didn't matter what we time got there Grandma always had food out waiting- just in case we were hungry.  It wasn't fancy but it was always there.  It was normally the same thing- finish flat bread, cheese and some kind of meat in the fridge, and vanilla sandwich cookies.   Whenever I see vanilla sandwich cookies to this day I think of my grandparents and it makes me smile.  I almost never see finish flat bread but I think I might have to try making some.  They always had it at their house and I even remember going to the bakery with my mom to buy it.

I love when sweet memories like these creep up on me.  It is great to remember, it isn't just the big things that we carry us-  the small moments matter too.  I love and miss you grandma and grandpa.

If you want to make some finish flat bread- here is a recipe that I think looked pretty decent.

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