Sunday, April 5, 2015

A book for Marcus

A few months ago I came up with an idea and I made it happen just in time for Easter.  Marcus, like most kids has many toys, books, blankets, and stuffed animals.  Some of these items have great stories to tell because they were passed down, or we bought them on special trips. I get worried that some day we will forget the stories and why we thought they were so great at the time.

So here is my grand idea... create a book that was all about the stuffed animals that Marcus has (the special ones) and tell their stories.  So that is exactly what I did.

Here is the cover and a few pages from Marcus's book. FYI-  I made it on Shutterfly and it turned out great!  I had originally tried to figure out how to do a board book but I am glad I waited because this worked way better with more space for words to tell the stories.

In the book there is a page for all of the friends that are on the cover plus about 8 more.  

Sample page

We gave this to Marcus for Easter and it was a complete success.  We have already read it a ton of times.  He likes to get the stuffed animals and bring them along so they can see their pages too.  The stuffed animals kiss and snuggle with the pages-  it was quite cute to watch.

If you want to see the entire book, here is the link:
Marcus and Friends- the Book

Marcus and Daddy reading the book with Penguin and Dolphin

I liked this so much I am thinking that I may do another book-  one with all of the quilts he has been given.  I am sure he won't like it as much but it would be great to help him remember them in the future.

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