Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Marcus goes bowling again

Well I have not been on my blogging A game lately but I have a bunch of drafts and I am hoping to get a few knocked out but here is a start.

Luke and I are playing volleyball this summer with some friends at one of our favorite sand volleyball bars- Fitz's.  A few weeks ago we went to the captains meeting to learn about the season and the rules, Marcus went along.  It is a lot to ask a little boy to sit through the meeting so Marcus and I wondered around and he even bowled (OK- he actually got bored after 5 frames).
It was actually pretty funny evening.  We were walking around the bowling alley and Marcus said he wanted to bowl.  I am fairly cheap but the guy gave me a deal and just made me pay for the shoes.  This is actually the first time Marcus has worn the bowling shoes and he was fairly incredulous about it.  He didn't understand why he had to wear someones shoes.

I did finally get shoes on and we started bowling.  He had so much fun.  We ended up getting 3 balls to use (a yellow one, a purple one, and a blue one) because he liked the balls.  I think if I let him we would have filled up the ball return.

Overall the night was a success and Marcus can't wait to go bowling again.
I think this one was actually a gutter ball!

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