Saturday, January 31, 2015

A light switch throws us for a loop

Marcus learned how to the turn the light switch on in his room tonight.  This is one of those lesser-known-about firsts—the kind that people don't brag about but that still have a drastic impact on your life.

Marcus goes to bed at 8:00 pm – normally at the latest.  Most days he happily plays in his room until he falls asleep – think that those peaceful days are behind us.

Tonight, after we turned the light off, we walked by a few moments later and I noticed it was back on... not a huge deal – I stopped in the room and flipped it off again.

About 30 minutes later he was still jabbering away – this time Luke turned the light off...

Now we figured it out... he was turning it back on.

We tried this a few more times, and eventually it was 10 pm, and he was still wide awake and turning the light back on.

Finally, I went into his bedroom and laid down with him – well, he was on the toddler bed, and I was on the floor next to him (makes me think that I really need to finish the bunk beds).  We stayed there until he finally fell asleep – and despite the fact that it was late—and we were both tired—it was precious time.

I would say, "I love you Marcus."

He would say, "Luv u."

I asked him if I should stay until he feel asleep and he clearly said,


We talked like this for 20 minutes, I softly petted his head and face, and finally my sweet little guy passed out.

It was precious time, full of love, and I am glad that it was on a night where I wasn't worried about the morning and getting him up.  I was able to be present, and I was so in love with that little boy and his super-cute face.

Not all of parenting is sweet, but the moments where the love is so immense are amazing, and I was blessed to have one of those tonight...

Tomorrow, we are fixing the light so he can't turn it back on!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Edison Ford Estate

Edison & Ford Winter Estates

One of the first thing that we did when we get to Florida- after we got settled in Grandpa and Grandma's "Florida" house- was visit the Edison Ford Winter Estate.  These are beautiful homes that belonged to Thomas Edison and Henry Ford in the early 20th century.  I had read about this on-line and this item was on my shortlist and I was super happy that we went on day one.

Mommy and Marcus at the estate.
"Visitors to the Edison & Ford Winter Estates in Fort Myers will enjoy 20 acres of historical buildings, historic gardens, the Edison Botanic Research Lab and the Edison Ford Museum. The newly restored buildings include the Edison Main House, Guest House, and Caretaker’s House and the Ford House.  The 1929 historic landscape is throughout the property including the award winning Moonlight Garden. The Edison Ford Museum has hundreds of inventions, artifacts and special exhibits.
- See more at:"

We got to the estate right around 11 am and decided that Marcus would hang out with Grandma and Grandpa while Luke and I went on the tour.  I can't imagine Marcus would be too excited to see the houses and the architecture.

One really cool thing that is right at the parking lot is a MASSIVE Banyan tree.  Let me restate this: the largest Banyan Tree in continental US is located at the estate – according to a website I found it was actually the first Banyan Tree planted in the US.  You may wonder why this is here but it totally makes sense.  Edison was driven to find a source of rubber that could be grown in the US and would not force companies to require importing all of the rubber needed.  During his time at the estate he tested over 17,00 plants in order to find something that would work.  In the end he found one-  Goldenrod (who would have thunk).  
Anyway, we spent some time checking out the tree-  Banyan trees are actually "walking trees"- The banyan tree or Ficus benghalensis (Ficus, so a type of fig tree) is known for its massive spreading trunk and root system. It is also a member of thestrangler fig family. Banyan is the National tree of India and a tree in Calcutta is one of the world's largest. The crown of this Indian giant banyan tree takes ten minutes to walk around.

This is a picture of a large part of the tree and you can see the central core in the middle.

This tree covers over an acre of the estate.
Marcus checking out the tree.

After looking at the tree Luke and I went on the tour and saw the estate while Marcus hung out with Grandma and Grandpa.  If you get the chance go and visit the estate.  I have searched online are have not really been able to find any books or websites that have great pictures of the estate.  The buildings, grounds, and even the lab were amazing to look at.
Edison's Lab
Here are a few pictures from our tour.

I could live here!

One of the oldest pools in Florida.

While Luke and I were off on the tour Marcus was enjoying himself taking in a few sites himself.  He liked the trees and the "Christmas" lights and spending time with his grandparents.... but by the time the tour was done he was starving and ready to eat!

Marcus and Grandma do a bit of posing with the moon!
One last beautiful flower!

It was a fun and interesting few hours but it was time to move on to other sites and cool things to see!  I would recommend visiting the Edison Ford Winter Estates to anyone who is crazy about plants or architecture.
Here is the entire family posing with Thomas Edison in front of the giant Banyan tree.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Another First- Let's go bowling

The Marcus Monster Goes Bowling

This morning Luke had an idea and we decided to run with it.  We all went to Fitz's Bar and Grille and Cedarvale Lanes for Marcus's first bowling outing.  To be honest we were not sure how it would go but it sounded like an adventure.

We got to the bowling alley and got everything set up-  They didn't have Marcus sized shoes so just wore socks.  The lady who helped us was quite surly but we just ignored her and got ready to bowl.....  Marcus looked pretty excited but you could just tell that he was wondering what this was all about.

It took us a few minutes to find the right ball-  Marcus really liked the green one but it weighed too much.  He had to stick to the yellow and gold ones which were both 7 lbs.   We did quickly to keep him away from the ball rack - as he almost instantly dropped a ball (oops). 

 Both Luke and I took turns bowling with Marcus and it was a BLAST!  I loved watching my boys bowl together,  Eventually a really nice staff member came and put the rails up for us.  Than it got a bit easier to hit the pins.

 This score board is not really accurate because we took turns and Marcus did about 90 percent of the bowling. Do you see the strike on the board-  Marcus and Mommy got that one together.

 Check out the video of the strike!!! It was a really fun day.

Here are a few videos of Luke and Marcus bowling.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sesame Street Live

1420655656 sesame street tickets

Marcus and I went on a Mommy and Marcus date today.   It started about a week-ago.  I got an email from - this is a discount ticket vendor - with seats for Sesame Street live at 50% off.  I thought about it for awhile and even put a post on facebook getting peoples opinion whether Marcus was old enough to enjoy the experience-  the overwhelming feedback was yes he was old enough to like it!

So today was the big day and we we went to the show.  I have to admit that I was still nervous about Marcus and his reaction to the show-  I mean we don't even let him watch TV (basically ever) so this was going to be one craze experience for me.  We headed downtown and found our way to the show at the State Theater.

He was pretty excited when he saw all of the lights on the marquee at the theater.  He loudly said "Christmas Lights"-  that is high praise from Marcus!

We walked inside and presented our 50% off tickets and we were very excited to say it worked.  Heck and the seats were not half bad-  I will probably actually use again because it worked out so well the first time.

I do want to note something kind of funny about the theater.  The concession stands appeared to have all of the normal stuff-  including a big sign for the "drink of the day"--- I can't think that this lack of accommodation was much good for the venue.  Yes I would like to have a cranberry vodka while I attend this show with my toddler..... whatever!

Anyway we walked in the theater- and wow did they ever have a huge merchandise table-  I am willing to bet that they are doing a LOT of sales to parents just like me.
The Stage- "Let's Dance"

We sat down and looked at the stage.... we still have about 10 minutes to go.  When we got inside their were still a ton of open seats- I guess I know who we got discount tickets.  I noticed the kids around us where all holding Elmo lights (there were two different types).  Marcus looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes and we went and bought one and it was worth it.  The smiles he gave me were so huge!

Just a few moments later and the show started....

Marcus and his Elmos.
His face was amazed..... He did not move for the entire first half of the show- his eyes were glued to the stage. He didn't make any sounds- just stared full of awe at the stage.

By the second half of the show he really seemed to get the hang of it.  Cookie Monster came dancing up the isle and Marcus was was so excited.  We walked down towards Cookie Monster and when were just steps away Cookie Monster patted him on the head and he got scarred and ran back to Mommy. 

A few moments later Grover came up the isle and this time Marcus was all over and he wanted a hug..... Unfortunately the line was too long so Marcus didn't get his hug.  On the positive he gave Mommy one instead!

A Sesame Street selfie of Macus and me.  

This was a great time and I am so glad that I took others advise and took him to the show.  I can't wait for our next Sesame Street Live or similar show.

Friday, January 16, 2015

A tough Morning

A Rough Morning

Being a working Mom can be tough at times. I am not going to lie- I think it has some advantages too but today I am going to focus on one of the hardest parts.  I can say that in only one word.... MORNINGS

My office is on the other side of town and to get there in a expedite manner ideally I need to be on the road by 6:45 am.  If I leave daycare at that time  it takes me about 25 minutes to do the 20 mile drive down 494 to my office- if I leave 20 minutes later it will take me at least 40 minutes (and up to two hours).  As result of this time difference I try REALLY hard to leave closer to 6:40 but to be most honest recently I have not been making the goal very often.

Our morning ritual looks like this.  Most days my alarm goes off and I get up (or hit snooze a few times) and get ready by myself.  Some days Marcus is already up and although that makes getting ready harder for me- it does actually make the day easier overall.

Rise and Shine Marcus!

Around 6:15 ideally I go upstairs to wake up Marcus.  Some days he is sleeping pretty hard still when I get in there (these are the hard days).  I say "Good Morning Sweetheart"- or something like that and the normal response is "No" or "Turn light off".  He is really not to excited to start the day off.  Some days I cox him out of bed with the promise of a bagel or a yogurt and it works and sometimes it doesn't.  Some days I ask if he wants to cuddle- and if it should be upstairs or downstairs..... I think it is about 70 - 30 good days verse tough days.  On the good days he pops up and is ready to go.  The bad days- like today he just says "No Mommy"...

Eventually, I go and pick him up and we head either to the rocking chair, the couch, or the office to change clothes.

 The worst part....

The worst part of this process is getting his clothes on..... If he is not in the mood for this it can HORRIBLE.... He cries and flails his arms and legs... He is fast and sometimes by the time I get the second leg in he has managed to get his first leg out.  I try to stay calm and explain why we are hurrying. But it is hard... I remind myself to be gentle and kind but it is so frustrating.  It tries all of my patience and breaks my heart at the exact same time.  I am sure if some one was watching it would actually pretty funny to watch the entire process.

Finally, it is over and he is dressed. The worst is done but he is still upset.  This morning he was crying so I said- "do you want a hug" and he did.  I hugged him and he grabbed on tight and gradually his breathing slowed and matched mine and gradually his heartbeat slowed and once again matched mine.  We stayed there for a moment and all was well- for at least a moment. 

Not my best picture but can you see how good the hug is!
(this was not actually this morning but following a similar
event- only at bedtime),

From here the morning is easier- even on the hard days.  We may cuddle for awhile, eat some food and head off to daycare.

I have to admit tough mornings are hard and leave us both exhausted.  It is the mix of tired toddler and getting dressed- both of these individually can be a trial- add them together it can be overwhelming and upsetting.

I did find a great article full of good tips on dressing a toddler:
The only problem is that is doesn't help on the morning part.  I guess I have some more googling to do in my future.

There is one piece of irony-  for some reason on the week-ends Marcus wakes up earlier than during the week- so on the days he can sleep in he wakes us up instead!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

How to take a toddler on vacation (Flying)....

Vacation Time

For the second January in a row we are headed to Florida to visit with Luke's parents who have rented a beautiful house and let us stay with them.  Marcus is actually a really well traveled toddler- during his two years he visited 13 states-  flew on 6 trips (visited New York, Boston, Florida, California x 2, and Arizona).  Heck I don't know how many other toddlers can make the same type of statement.  He is a lucky kid!

During these trips I have gotten fairly good at packing for the plane and I wanted to share my list and what works in my experience.

Here is my basic underlying rule-  I do whatever I can to keep Marcus happy, quiet, and most  of all not crying.  

Seriously most travelers will be really forgiving of parents who are working hard to control their child.  They will glace at you with sympathy while secretly hoping they don't have to sit next to you on the flight.  They will not be forgiving if you don't work your A&# off to keep a happy kid.   Here are a few of the things I have found successful.

Scheduling your travel plans: One of the things that I do is try to schedule flights at favorable times of the day- nap time or close to bedtime is great (if I can get him to sleep during the flight).  Avoid times where you know that your kid will be wiped out.  So if I can't schedule a flight during sleep time I aim for WIDE awake time- first thing in the morning or shortly after naptime.

Pre-Trip Planning:  We talk about the trip coming up and flying to get Marcus excited about it. Flying can be scary- so talking about it a good idea and a chance to make it really fun for your toddler.

Review Airline Rules and Policies:  We travel a lot so we are familiar with the rules but here are some of the key ones to know.  May want to re-verify with your flight carrier.  All of this information is based on my experience with domestic carriers.
  • Ticket: You are not required to buy a separate ticket for you child under the age of two however you may want to travel with a copy of the birth certificate because you may be asked to prove their age (which has never happened to me).  When you book your ticket you need to make sure to add on a "child in arms" to the reservation.  This is what allows your child to travel with you.
  • Baggage:  If you didn't buy a ticket for your child- remember that they don't get a carry on.  If you did get them a ticket - they do but most likely you are going to end up carrying it anyway.
    • Car Seat: Some goods news on this.  You can check your Car Seat for FREE! This will save you from renting one if you get a rental car.  You can also bring your car on the plane for your child to use however you need to make sure it fits (ours doesn't)-  and make sure it is FAA approved (ours is).
    • Stroller: More good news-  You can check your stroller for FREE or gate check your stroller.  We ALWAYS gate check the stroller because it always us to move a lot faster through the airport if Marcus is contained.  Bring a small stroller and not a huge one- it will make everyone's life a bit better.
  • Security: Kids great a break here too. 
    • Liquids: Read the airlines rules to verify but they do allow you to bring though additional liquids for care of a child (Juice, breast milk, and Milk)- You do not have to have it less less than 3.4 ounce container but I warn you that they may test it (not a big deal).  Just bring what is necessary for the flight an no extra.
    • Security Check: Kids do not need to take their shoes off.  If you get approved for TSA Pre-check your child can come with!  This is the easiest way to go but the bad news is that you have to be randomly selected and approved (and not all airports have Pre).  Check your ticket to see if you qualify.
      • The TSA actually has a page for Kids and parents that is worth checking out.
      • TSA Kids Travel Page 
Now really only one thing left to discuss- and it is really important:
What to pack in the carry on: Over time I have worked on this list (and I will admit that some of it came from surfing Pinterest but this is the good stuff.

How to Pack:  Just a few last thoughts on how to pack.  
  • Pick the right Bag:  I normally don't bring our diaper bag as the carry on.  It is a bit to small for what I want and with all of the zippers and flaps it can be a bit more of a hassle to use.  Instead I use a 31 bag (It is also our swimming lesson bag) because it is easy to access and has a few exterior pockets, and a few interior pockets but not too many.  I did actually sew in an extra tie at the top so things wouldn't easily fall out.
  • Prepackage like items together:  I use a lot of plastic bags in the process of putting everything together.  Part of the reason is that I just naturally assume at some point we will be spilling on the bag or knocking it over and it is just easier that way to keep it all together.  Here are a few tips:
    • Try to plan when you will need the items.  For example I always put the baggie of extra clothes in first because I am hoping not to need to use it.  One of the advantages of keeping these in a plastic bag is that you can reuse it if you have to deal with soiled clothes.
    • Break your snacks into smaller bags -  this way  you can have some surprise when you pull out a treat later in the flight.
    • When you are on the plane only let your little on play with one bag of at a time.  That way you contain the mess.
    • Make sure you put your baggie with your 3-1-1 items for TSA on the top so it is easy to grab in security.
    • It is not bad idea to bring an extra empty gallon bag.  It helps to control the wrapper mess and garbage.
  • Pack your bag early:  I normally pack my carry on bag 2-3 days before the trip.  The only things that do not go in until right before we leave is Marcus's blankie (he can't live without out) and Penguin.  Those items I am never concerned with leaving behind because Marcus won't leave the house without them.  Pack your bag early and don't let anyone go into it until you are on the plane.  

Diapers and Wipes

Other traveling advice:
  • Get to the Airport Early- You want to get to the airport a little bit earlier when you bring a little one.  Add 30-45 minutes to your normal arrival time.  They will just slow the process down so add a little bit of time.
  • Explain the process- Make sure you explain what you are doing and why.  It makes Marcus feel a lot better when he knows that his car seat will be there when we land.
  • Get to the gate early-   Most airlines will let families with small children load the plane right after the frequent fliers.  Getting on the plane before everyone else will make your life so much easier!
  • Be polite to everyone-   I know this seems like really silly advice but I have seen people treat flight attendants poorly, and are not kind to other travelers.  Remember people may be kind of crabby and worried because your child is near and they are concerned that their flight will be impacted.  Just smile, be polite, and do your best to keep everything under control
Wow that got really long but I hope you find this helpful if you are lucky enough to fly with your little one.   We have been really lucky and in all of the flights we have taken Marcus only melted down once.... and that wasn't his fault.  He had double ear infections and I am sure the pain was pretty bad!

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