Friday, August 1, 2014

Fiedler Family Fun... with the whole family...

Fiedler Family Hits Duluth

—Duluth, MN—

One of the fun things we got to do this summer was hanging out with Luke entire family (except for nephew Ben) for a few days in Duluth.  Scott (brother), came up from Missouri with his family, and Jess (sister) came up from Iowa with her husband Noah.  We spent a few days in the Duluth area seeing the sites and just hanging out and having a good time.

Everyone else (except Luke and I) got to the cabin on Sat. night and played and checked out the area.

"Fetch, Auntie Jess."
The lake by the resort.
"Help me, grandpa."

The next afternoon we finally caught up with everyone at the lake front in Duluth.  We actually ran into the Feia's when we were on the pier – that is where the picture at the top is from.  When we finished on the lake front we drove up to Enger Park at the top of Duluth and visited the tower and Japanese gardens.

The whole family climbing up.
This is a remake of a picture from their childhood.  Now all growed up!
Enger Tower

At the Japanese garden.

After all of the days activities we went back to the cabin and hung out for the rest of the night.  It was just fun having the time to just be together and spend time together.

The next day we started our adventures again.  Jess, Noah, Scott, Cindy, Sarah, Luke, and I got up early to spend some time hiking on the Superior hiking trail.  We hiked for about 1.5 hours (4.2 miles) and had a lot of fun.                                                                         When we got back to the cabins we got ready to head out on more adventures for the day.  Our first stop was Split Rock Light House – the Missouri Fiedlers (as we call Scott & Cindy and family) had never spent any time on the North Shore, so this was all new to them.  We did the tour and walked around the lighthouse area.  This is a great place to visit with an amazing view of the lake.  It is also a Minnesota State Park, but we will talk about that later.

Marcus on the tour.
Jess and Noah by the lighthouse.

We spent a few hours at the light house and than we went off to something new... a TRAIN ride...

Marcus probably said, "TRAIN," and pointed at this engine at least a hundred times while waiting for his train to come in!

The train ride leaves from the Duluth Train Depot at the Lake Superior Train Museum and doesn't go very far or very fast, but it is a lot of fun!

Marcus and grandma.

Actually he had a good time.
Marcus and mom.
Cool seats with backrests that can flip direction.

At the back of the train once they moved the
engine to the other end to go back.
Luke and his dad.

Finally, we went back to the cabins for our last night hanging out as a family on this trip.  We played a bit of mini-golf but Marcus was near the end of his energy and ran out of steam... so he had to go to bed while everyone else .

Wonder what the official mini-golf association rules are for this...
"I think I like this game!"
Family time is fun, and due to distance it does not happen often enough.  I can't wait for our next adventure as an extended family!

We ended the night by playing cards.... Jess won (by ONE point).


  1. What a great trip this was! The Missouri Fiedlers truly enjoyed the time on the north shore with family, and look forward to doing it again in Missouri next May! We are working on cabin locations and will let everyone know soon. Thanks to Vonnie for arranging the cabin for this trip. Marcus is a cool dude, and we enjoyed spending time with him.

  2. When Yvonne was young we made a number of trips to Duluth and the North Shore. It was always a lot of fun, now if Lake Superior was not so darn cold.

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