Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A New First – Camping and the Dance Party

Our camping Adventure

Both Luke and I love the outdoors and being in it.  This is something that we really want Marcus to be passionate about as well.  We figured the best thing to do was to start early.  We have a more serious camping trip planned for later this summer, but we needed to start with a shorter easier car camping trip (although, since it was a 400-mile drive to Lake Bonson, I am not sure you can call this easy).                                                                                    We finally got to Lake Bronson around 9:30 pm, but thankfully due to the late sunset we had plenty of time to set up camp (the sun set about half an hour later than it does in the Twin Cities near the solstice).  Marcus was pretty amused by the entire thing.  When we got out of the car, he just wanted to get his stroller out and sit in it with his animal crackers and milk.  I think he liked the show of watching Mommy and Daddy setting up the tent.
View at Dusk

We had a bit of time left over, so Marcus and Luke walked around the campsite while I got the beds all laid out.  Then it was time for the campfire – Marcus LOVED it.

It was already really late, and we all went into the tent to try and get Marcus to sleep.  I wish I would have had a video camera or photos of the ordeal... it was actually quite funny.  He kept trying to have serious "Marcus-talk" conversations with Luke – those didn't go very far.  Then he would turn to me and laugh and giggle – it really was just a big old dance party for Marcus on the air matress.  Finally, around midnight he passed out.

The next morning we got up early (with the sun) and I was somehow able to convince him to pass back out until 7:30.  We had a queen-size blow up mattress that was awesome (Luke had to manually inflate because I forgot the batteries – a total lung workout), and by morning, it was Luke and Marcus sharing the mattress and I was on the ground next to it – how did that happen?

Marcus very quickly learned how to escape the tent the next morning.  He knew he wanted to explore the campground – in his jammies...

Marcus very quickly found some entertainment and new friends.

Marcus loved camping, and I am sure he will be excited to do it again!

Here are some views of the park. 

Lake Bronson

Beaver signs.

The dam by Lake Bronson (not made by a beaver!).


  1. Hopefully Marcus still likes camping at the end of July.

    1. I am sure he will. I think we hope to get another night or two in before that point so we can continue to get used to it. He thinks it is just a opportunity for a dance party right now!


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