Monday, September 8, 2014



—Chaska, MN—

On the way to the big event
 Every summer the city of Chaska, MN puts on a city wide event called- Touch-A-Truck.  This is a chance for kids (mainly toddlers and little ones) to get out there and see and touch big trucks that are owned by the city.  Marcus LOVES trucks (and fortunately one of our friends told us about the event) so we checked it out.  This was a pretty exciting night!

One of the highlights of the day-  Marcus had his FIRST ice cream cone.  I think we can see that is was a success-  They had two flavors- strawberry and blue confetti-  He tasted my strawberry and was not a fan but the blue ice cream he liked a lot!

We also spent quite a bit of time looking at the trucks---- I think his favorite were the Firetruck (pretty much a given), the snowplow, and the old school bus.

He really liked driving the trucks too...... or at least pretending to....

Marcus also spent some time in the back of the police car.... we told him this was a once and only experience and we never expected him to spend any time there again (unless we go to touch a truck again)....

He does look a little guilty here.....

 Next he moved the front seat.... much better for Mommy and Daddy....

The last thing he checked out was the super cool super old school commuter bus.  He was tuckered out and I almost thought he was going to fall asleep at the back of the bus (which is where he wanted to sit).

Overall a really fun day and a really fun activity-  I think we will go back next year and I am guessing he will like it even more!

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