Wednesday, September 10, 2014

2014 State Fair

 A day at the Fair....

One of the differences between Luke and I is that he LOVES the Minnesota State Fair, and I really just barely tolerate it... but this year he talked me into going and I had the best time, so he was dead-on right (as he usually is).  This was actually Marcus's second trip to the fair (he also went when he was 2 months old).  This really is the "Great Minnesota Get-Together," and we went on the busiest day ever in Minnesota State Fair history... and I'm not even exaggerating here—we were there with 262,000 of our fellow Minnesotans—no wonder it felt so busy!                                                                                                          We got to the fair right after nap time, and Marcus was a bit nervous about all of it at first – he really didn't remember his first trip to the fair and didn't know what all of the people were doing there.  He quickly found his way by looking at the map and started directing us to all of this favorite things—tractors, animals, and farm activities...

Have State Fair map (check!).  Will travel.

The first stop that we made was not actually for Marcus, but instead for ever Minnesotan's natural-born obligation at the Fair, which Luke graciously volunteered himself to fulfilling.  Luke started our eating frenzy with a HUGE corn-dog... I only wish I took a pic or two... here is what we got at the fair (this time)...
1. Luke – Corn dog.  The Jurassic Dog to be specific.  (Only $1 more to go Jurassic, so you have to do it, right?)
2. Vonnie – Fried green tomatoes – I was actually kind of disappointed (as were Luke and Marcus).
3. Luke – Ice cream sundae with honey and sunflower seeds at the Horticulture Building.
4.  Vonnie – Corn on the cob.  Yum, yum.
5. Luke – Pepperoni pizza on the way out.  Marcus ate a lot of it.
So we were actually pretty light on our food tally, but it was still a yummy day!

One of the first things we saw were the tractors... and they were a LOT of fun.  Marcus sent a picture to Grandpa Z. to tell him he was done with the toy tractors and wanted a big one now!
Marcus thinking: "You know... I really could get used to this size..."

After we finished climbing on tractors it was off to work at the little farm.  What a great exhibit – Marcus LOVED it!

"I gots to feed my chickens..."

Our next stop was the Ag building to see the honeybees – you would think that Marcus would get enough of these at G&G Fiedlers, but he was crazy over them and loved watching them work.  We might have a future beekeeper here just like his Grandpa.

We walked around the fair and saw a ton of awesome things... Marcus loved the South American band, Ecuador Manta, that was playing at the Minnesota DNR stage and was bopping away to the music.  But, by far, his favorite place was the CHICKEN BARN... he went crazy when we walked into it!

I wish I got the right moment on camera, but he was running around flapping his arms... He loved the pretty chickens...

I still don't love the fair, but my attitude is slowly evolving, and I LOVE my time with these two guys.  It was an awesome day with two great guys.  I just wish we would have gotten some of them Sweet Martha's Cookies and some milk while we were there!

One word: "LOVE"—could my boys be any sweeter? (Marcus was really into the horses as they brought them out.)
I can't wait until next year!

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