Monday, May 9, 2016

A busy weekend- Part 2- The Vermillion Falls

On Saturday afternoon we drove down to Hastings (after picking Luke up from his bike ride in Cottage Grove) and decided to visit the Vermillion Waterfall.  This is an urban water fall located right in the center of the city of Hastings, the sign for it was really small and we almost missed it.

Marcus has been obsessed with Water Fountain and Water Falls for a long time, right now he is taking a break from that obsession to focus on other items.   But we still love to stop and look at waterfalls. 

I have been to this before but it was the first time for Marcus and Luke. 

The falls are actually pretty non descript from a distance and you can hear them before you see them.  But they are really pretty.  Marcus was very impressed.  Here are some of our pictures from the day.

 We spent some time hiking the trails around the falls.  Marcus found some big rocks to climb up.  I stood at the bottom watching (nervous mom).

 Marcus and look checking out the falls.


1 comment:

  1. Likely part of Marcus's fascination with waterfalls comes from you. I'm sure you remember the trips to Minnehaha Falls, St Antony Falls, Minneopa Falls, Gooseberry Falls, Redwood Falls and perhaps St Antony Falls. I loved those trips as I too am entralled by waterfalls.
    Love Dad


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