Sunday, May 8, 2016

A busy weekend- Part 1- The Dog Walk

One some weekends we do an amazing amount of stuff.  Neither Luke or I are really the type to sit around for long so we are active and find lots of things to do.  This past week was even a bit busier than normal and it was also a lot of fun.  Here is what we all did:
  • Friday-  Marcus and Mom went to the arboretum (it was a free event) and than Vonnie went out to an awesome event called "Light the Castle"
  • Saturday- Marcus and Mom and Grandpa Harvey did the Animal Humane Society Walk for animals (which I am going to cover in this blog), Luke went on a long bike ride (over 40 miles) and we visited two parks with water falls (one in Hastings and another called Willow River State Park in Wisconsin)
  • Sunday-  Mother's day.  It all started with a lovely breakfast in bed, followed up an awesome bike ride (Vonnie) and a picnic at the Carver Park Reserve.  We also spent some time hanging around the house.

So it was a busy weekend and lots of pictures were taken (not all of them great).  Blogs, well none of those got written, heck I was busy.  So it all starts now with the Walk for Animals.

On Saturday we completed the Walk for animals with the Animal Humane Society.  This event is huge and there are animals (mostly dogs) everywhere!  Luke and I have done this walk a few times with Sandy dog (he is a rescue from IDOG (International Doodle Owners Group) and it is a great cause.  It was also event 3 of year for the challenge my dad and I are doing (one a month) and we are a bit behind.  

Here are few pictures from the big event.

Marcus was really worried his stuff was going
to blow away so he kept leaning over to
keep it all in the wagon.
Proud Sandy Dog!

We divided the labor and switched back in forth between who walked with Sandy and who pulled the wagon.

 Marcus actually got out an walked for about the first mile.  After that he was tired and climbed back in the wagon.  I wish I had a taken a picture of Marcus trying to walk Sandy.  It didn't really work that well since Sandy weighs over twice Marcus's weight.  Finally, we figured out a solution and put two leashes on Sandy- one for Marcus and one for me.  I held the shorter one and controlled Sandy and Marcus helped walk him.  It was a huge success.

 Overall it was a beautiful day and a wonderful event for a great cause, and I would call it a success!


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