Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Marcus's First Twins Game

June was a pretty amazing month- oh and I got really far behind on blogs so it is time to kick it up for the next few days.

Again- Let's talk about all of the awesome things we did in June.  Marcus had a pretty amazing time learning new things and having new experiences.... Now it is my turn to get them all documented!

Let's start here:

Marcus's First Twins Game

One of the fun thing about my job is that the company has twins tickets- and some times they give them away to the employees.  I put my name in for a game and yippee we got some tickets.  It was a lot of fun- and what made it even better was the Twins won.

My work gives 4 tickets to the game so we brought Grandpa Harvey along- and Marcus had a lot of fun climbing on him like he was a play gym the entire game.

Uncle Christian is up there some where!

We found him!

It was a fun day in the ball park.  Besides the awesome game and the yummy food we also had a blast taking the light rail from the Mall of America to Target Stadium and back again.

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