Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Marucs is 3!

   Happy Birthday Marcus

Well it is official today- I have a three year old. Time always goes so fast but I can't believe that it has already been 3 years.

Marcus is an amazing person - he is loving and gentle (most of the time) and full of energy and life. He is the perfect mix of Luke and me - and so far it looks like he got the best of both of us.I found some questions online and I plan on asking them every year to keep track of my little boy.

Happy National Marcus Day to my sweet little boy!

Birthday questions : answered by Marcus at age 3
 I decided to to do this a little different.  I did interview Marcus but before I did this I actually added my comments in Blue- Marcus is in red.  My plan is to do this every year going forward!  You will notice that he did not answer all of the questions-  turns out he is a tough interview!  I may fill some of them in later

1. What is your favorite color?
  • Yellow
2. What is your favorite toy?
  •  Trains, Drums and drum sticks, and his bike 
  • Sandbox
3. What is your favorite fruit?
  • To many to list-  Marcus loves fruit
  • Melon
    4. What is your favorite TV show?
    • Marcus doesn't watch a lot of TV- my guess is that his favorite will be the documentaries he watches with Daddy- either about the birds or the snow monkey
    •  Water fountains (which we watch on YouTube)
    5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  
    • Peanut Butter and Jelly, coleslaw
    •  Peanut butter and Jelly and salad
     6. What is your favorite outfit?
    •  Penguin Jammies and Mine Shirt (from the Soudan Mine State Park)
    •  No comment
     7. What is your favorite game?
    • Not sure- we don't play a lot of games
    •  No comment
     8. What is your favorite snack?
    • Pink Raisins (Yogurt covered raisins)
    •  Chocolate
     9. What is your favorite animal?
    •  Sandy Dog
    10. What is your favorite song?
    • Anything from Frozen
    •  Playing the drums
     11. What is your favorite book?
    • He doesn't have one but he LOVES books
    • No comment
    12. Who is your best friend?
    •  I think this one is tough-  I am going to guess Sophie (his cousin)
    •  Sophie
    13. What is your favorite cereal?
    • I think the only kind he has eaten is Panda Puffs
    • No comment
    14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?
    • Too many choices- bike, hike, play in the sandbox

    15. What is your favorite drink?  
    • Milk
    • Milk
    16. What is your favorite holiday?
    • No clue- I am going to guess Christmas because he still talks about Christmas trees all of the time.
    •  No comment
    17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?
    •  Dolphin and Penguin and lots of blankies
    • Dolphin, Penguin, Luna, Manatee & Baby Manatee, Mouse, Mouse, Baby Mouse, blankie, blankie, blankie, blankie, blankie, etc.
    18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
    • Toad-in-the Holes with Extra Holes- Also likes bagels with cream cheese.
    •  No comment
    19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday?
    • Pizza or Mac&Cheese
    •  Noodles (he likes the Pesto Cavatappi from Noodles and Company)
    20. What do you want to be when you grow up?
    •  Farmer or Drummer
    • He wants to play volleyball with Mommy and Daddy
    21. What does your Mommy do best?
    • Loves Marcus
    •  No comment
    22. What does your Daddy do best?
    • Loves Marcus
    •  No comment
    23. Who loves Marcus?
    • Everyone (well all of his family and friends)
    •  Mommy and Daddy- Marcus's Mommy is Vonnie
    24.  What does Marcus love most to talk about?
    • Waterfalls, Hot Air Balloons, everything outside (especially birds), tractors, water (and anything to do with it), water fountains, G&G Florida house, Mommy & Daddy, Target, Sandy dog
    •  No comment

    We had Marcus's actual Birthday party on Sunday (last week-end) and it was such a blast.  He has a mix of family and friends and he was so happy.  It was a great day.  Thank you for everyone who joined for the big day. So a quick thank you to the G&G Z (Sophie, Carson, Beckett, & Bryce), G&G F, GG W, Jess, Noah & Liam, the Abels, the Grundhofers, and the Kahles- It was so much fun and Marcus is still talking about it 3 days later (which is an eternity in his world).

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