Friday, February 27, 2015

The Middle of the night

Random Marcus Picture!
Marcus was a pretty good sleeper when he was a baby and suddenly when he was around 9 months old he started waking up more frequently and that has been the story sense. It is much better now- but I would guess that from 9 months until 2 years he (normally) woke up once a night.  I think he mainly did it to check and make sure we were there.  With some cuddles, reassurance, and lots of love he feel back asleep until morning.  He wouldn't be up long (normally) and fortunately I fall back asleep pretty easily.

As a toddler things are a little different-  Most nights he sleeps through the night but when he wakes up is it frequently because he had a nightmare and all he wants is love.

I am torn because nights like this suck.... They make me tired and crabby but they also fill me with love and compassion.  Marcus HUGS with everything he has- he wants to be as close as possible and be held tightly- he never wants me to go away.  I know that eventually this will stop and he won't need Mommy in the middle of the night and while this makes me smile and more rested - I think I am going to miss his hugs. 

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