Saturday, February 21, 2015

My Sleeping baby...

Sleeping Marcus

 I LOVE sleeping Marcus..... I can't help but peek at him every night to see how he sleeps.... and yes I take a LOT of pictures but is it is so cute.....

here are some samples...

This is a funny one..... He is sleeping in the playpen at his grandparents.  When I left him he was on the bed with all of the blankets and stuffed animals---- some how they ALL moved into the playpen....  He looks pretty comfy in there.

During all of the many car rides this summer (and at other times) Marcus spent a lot of time passed out in the car.  It is such a cute sight and it makes me smile.

Here are a bunch of random Marcus sleeping pics.... In his bedroom-  Sometimes on his bed and sometimes on the floor!

I love this kid.... I may add more later but it does kind of make me feel odd sneaking into his bedroom at night to take cute pictures of him!

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