Thursday, June 29, 2017

Our Little Adventurer Turns 5

I am going to update this every year for his Birthday.  There actually has not been a lot of movement.  As he turns 5, we only added on additional state to the mix, North Dakota.  It is actually strange it has taken us so long to get him there.  We crossed the boarder on a geocaching trip in 2017.

States- 20 States visited

  1. Arizona,AZ- visited Sierra Vista with Grandma Cheryl and Mommy in June 2014 to see family friends.
  2. California,CA-  3 trips before 4 years old.
    • Went to a conference in June 2013 at Half Moon Bay with Grandma Cheryl
    • Went to a conference in December 2013 at San Diego
    • Went on a family vacation that included San Francisco and Northern California in May 2016
  3. Connecticut,CT- Drove through with Mommy and Grandma Cheryl in Spring 2013.
  4. Florida,FL- Two trips to see Grandpa Don and Grandma Jackie in Jan 2014 and Jan 2015
  5. Illinois,IL- First vacation when you were 4 months old.  Visited Chicago with Mommy, Daddy, and cousins (Micci, Xandra and Tori).
  6. Iowa,IA- too many trips to count.  Mommy went to college here AND Aunt Jess, Uncle Noah, and Liam live in Iowa City!
  7. Kansas,KS- This is a technical count, we drove through it on the way to Ben's Graduation in May 2015.
  8. Massachusetts,MA- Flew out of here in Spring 2013.
  9. Michigan,MI- Do lay overs count-  this was a place you spent time in the airport.
  10. Minnesota,MN-  HOME!  Need I say more.
  11. Missouri,MO-  Went to cousin Ben's High School Graduation in May 2015.
  12. New Jersey,NJ-  Flew into Newark for the August 2015 NYC trip.
  13. New York,NY- I think 3 trips to NY, with one to NYC
    • Two work trips with Grandma Cheryl and Mommy to Upstate New York.
    • August 2015 trip with Mommy, Daddy and Micci to see the see the city.
  14. North Dakota, ND-  Crossed over the boarder from MN on a geocaching trip Easter weekend in 2017.
  15. Oregon,OR- Part of the May 2016 family vacation to the west coast.
  16. Rhode Island,RI- Went to the beach with Grandma Cheryl in the spring of 2013.
  17. South Dakota,SD- Another technical count, we cross over the boarder, just to say you have been here.  We crossed the boarder a second time in 2017.
  18. Vermont,VT-  Two trips to Burlington Vermont with Mommy and Grandma Cheryl in spring 2013.
  19. Washington,WA- This is the final technical count.  We cross over the river in May 2016 and spent about 15 minutes in the state.
  20. Wisconsin,WI-  This one is close to home and we have been there a lot.


  1. United States of America- Home Sweet Home
  2. Canada - In September 2014 we crossed boarder and visited a train (for about 45 minutes)

On other lists we are working:

Minnesota State Parks

Still just missing one- Hayes Lake State Park

We actually restarted the MN state parks for this geocache series.  We will hit Hayes Lake State Park later this year and we will consider this list completed.

National Parks and Monuments (not the other designations)

No additions to the list this year. 
  1. Crater Lake National Park
  2. Redwood Forest National Park
  3. Pipestone National Monument
  4. Oregon Caves National Monument

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