Sunday, March 30, 2014

Houdini Strikes again

This morning Marcus learned how to lock himself in the bathroom.  He had toddled off for a moment and I noticed how quiet he sounded.  I went to the bathroom and I could here he talking and giggling on the other side.  I went to open the door and oops.... it was locked!

The good news is that he was clearly happy on the other side.... now I heard flushing of the big toilet and his little Elmo potty!  I thought about it for a moment and knew I had no clue where the key was so on to plan B. I knew that the bathroom window was open so out the back door I went.  I climbed over the snow bank and removed the storm window. Marcus saw me from the other side of the window and just smiled!  He was having a good time!

Marcus in the bathroom!
It didn't take long and I got the window open and by this time he was climbing on the toilet and seeing what he could get into!

Looks at me!  I am on the toilet.

Mom – I am not guilty at all!

Well I got in and it was not a big deal.  He had a lot of fun with this tub crayons,.  Here is some proof!

In the words like that of Bill Maher – "New Rule: Must keep all crayons out of reach and hidden when no adult is around!"

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